Scott Semotan

Full Stack Web Developer

Bringing 10+ years of experience of helping businesses grow with creative work flows and customer success. Now pursuing a new professional direction designing my future in web development.

Job Tracker

  • Site for job applicants to streamline and track jobs applied to. Including search function for potential job opportunities.
  • Responsibilities include connecting backend routes with front end forms for user registration, login and adding jobs to user account. Also used Bootstrap to design card layout for displaying the jobs and card functionality.
  • Project built with React, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Javascript & Firebase for user authentication.

Big City Trailers

  • Movie trailer site where you can search for a movie, watch the trailer, read the description and link to Apple TV for purchase or rent
  • Responsibilities include full website design, rendering information pulled from 3 different third party APIs to UI, and customizing Granim.js animation.
  • Project built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Granim.js, & Bootstrap

Just Concerts

  • Concert ticket website where you can search for current concert tickets available and save them to your account for purchase.
  • Responsibilities include site Bootstrap design, search function accessing 3rd party API & rendering information from API to UI.
  • Project built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, & Express



Get in touch

Please send me an email, connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on GitHub.